Best Indoor Hanging Plants in Low Light Conditions.


 Indoor hanging plants are a great way to add some greenery to your home, even if you don't have a lot of space or natural light. But if your home doesn't get a lot of natural light, you may wonder if you can still have hanging plants. The good news is that there are plenty of indoor hanging plants that can thrive in low-light conditions. In this article, I will share some of the best indoor hanging plants for low light and provide some tips for keeping them healthy.

        Best Indoor Hanging Plants in Low Light Conditions.

  1. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

Pothos, also known as devil's ivy, is a famous indoor hanging plant that can thrive in low light conditions. It has long, trailing stems that can grow up to 3meter in length, making it perfect for hanging baskets or macrame plant hangers. Pothos can also tolerate neglect and irregular watering, so it's a great choice for beginners or anyone who doesn't have a green thumb.

To care for your pothos plant, make sure it's planted in well-draining soil and water it only when the top inch of soil feels dry. Pothos prefers indirect light, but can also tolerate low light conditions, such as a north-facing window or a room with artificial light.

  1. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider plants are another popular options for indoor hanging plants. They have long, narrow leaves that arch gracefully from the center of the plant, creating a cascading effect. Spider plants can tolerate low light conditions, but they prefer bright, indirect light. They also thrive in humid environments, so if you place a small humidifier near your spider plant, it will keep it happy and healthy.

To oversee your spider plant, you have to  make sure it's planted in well-draining soil and water it when the top inch of soil feels dry. Spider plants are also susceptible to brown tips on the leaves, which can be caused by over-fertilizing or over-watering, so be sure to avoid these common mistakes.

  1. Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema spp.)

Chinese evergreens are another great choice for indoor hanging plants in low light conditions. They have large, varied colour leaves that can add a pop of colour to any room. Chinese evergreens can tolerate low light, but they prefer bright, indirect light. They also prefer humid environments, so consider placing a small humidifier near your Chinese evergreen to keep it healthy.

To maintain your Chinese evergreen, you have to  make sure it's planted in well-draining soil and water it only when the top inch of soil feels dry. Chinese evergreens are also susceptible to root rot, so be sure to avoid over-watering.

  1. Heart-Leaf Philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum)

Heart-leaf philodendrons are a classic indoor hanging plant that can thrive in low light conditions. They have heart-shaped leaves that can grow up to 10cm in length, creating a lush, cascading effect. Heart-leaf philodendrons can also tolerate neglect and irregular watering, so they're a great choice for beginners.

To care for your heart-leaf philodendron, you have to  make sure it's planted in well-draining soil and water it only when the top inch of soil feels dry. Heart-leaf philodendrons prefer bright, indirect light, but they can also tolerate low light conditions.

  1. English Ivy (Hedera helix)

English ivy is a classic indoor hanging plant that can add a touch of elegance to any room. It has long, trailing stems that can grow up to 15 meters in length, making it perfect for hanging baskets or macrame plant hangers. English ivy can tolerate low light conditions, but it prefers bright, indirect light. It's also a great air purifier, making it an excellent choice for homes with poor indoor air quality.

To care for your English ivy, you have to make sure it's planted in well-draining soil and water it when the top inch of soil feels dry. English ivy prefers bright, indirect light, but it can also tolerate low light conditions. You have to make sure to keep an eye on your plant for pests, as English ivy can be susceptible to spider mites and aphids.

  1. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum spp.)

Peace lilies are another indoor hanging plant that can thrive in low light conditions. They have long, green leaves and elegant white blooms that can add a touch of sophistication to any room. Peace lilies prefer humid environments, so consider placing a small humidifier near your plant to keep it healthy.

To look after your peace lily, make sure it's planted in well-draining soil and water it when the top inch of soil feels dry. Peace lilies prefer bright, indirect light, but they can also tolerate low light conditions. Be sure to keep your peace lily away from direct sunlight, as it can sear the leaves.

Tips for Growing Indoor Hanging Plants in Low Light

Now that you know which plants are best suited for low light conditions, here are a few tips for keeping them healthy:

  1. Choose the right container: When choosing a container for your indoor hanging plant, make sure it has drainage holes to prevent water from sitting in the bottom of the pot. You can also choose a container with a built-in saucer to catch any excess water that will keep your space clean and neat.
  2. Use the right soil: Indoor hanging plants need well-draining soil to prevent root rot. Choose a potting mix that's specifically formulated for indoor plants, or you can make mix your own by combining equal parts potting soil, perlite, and peat moss.
  3. Water appropriately: Most indoor hanging plants prefer to be kept on the drier side, so be sure to let the top inch of soil dry out before watering. When you add water, make sure to water thoroughly, until water runs out of the drainage holes. Avoid letting your plant sit in standing water, as this can lead to root rot.
  4. Fertilize regularly: Indoor hanging plants can benefit from regular fertilization, especially during the growing season. Choose a fertilizer that's specifically prepared for indoor plants and follow the instructions on the label.
  5. Provide adequate light: Even low-light plants need some light to grow and thrive. If your home doesn't get a lot of natural light, consider using artificial light as additive. You can use fluorescent or LED grow lights, which are specifically designed for plants.

In conclusion, indoor hanging plants are a great way to add some greenery to your home, even if you don't have a lot of space or natural light. There are plenty of indoor hanging plants that can thrive in low light conditions, including pothos, spider plants, Chinese evergreens, heart-leaf philodendrons, English ivy, and peace lilies. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can keep your indoor hanging plants healthy and thriving, even in low light conditions.

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